
Job Ability[]

Increases enmity and enhances "Ninja Tool Expertise" effect, but impairs accuracy. Improves evasion and reduces enemy Critical Hit Rate when in front of target.

  • Obtained: Ninja Level 40
  • Recast Time: 3:00
  • Duration: 5:00


  • Translates loosely as "Exposed (open) Ninja"
  • Enmity increase is approximately +30, decaying to +10 over the duration.
  • Accuracy penalty is approximately -30, decaying to -5 over the duration.
  • Wears off when you zone.
  • This effect can be dispelled.
  • The 'Ninja Tool Expertise' effect of Yonin might be 25%; more testing is needed.
  • Cannot be used with Ninja as a support job.
  • Iga Hakama +1 and Iga Hakama +2 add Counter to the effect of Yonin.

Equipment That Enhances Yonin[]

Macro Syntax[]

  • /ja "Yonin" <me>