Adds Support Job Abilities To Wyvern
- Adds your Support Job's traits to your wyvern.
- This effect is triggered when Call Wyvern is used; simply equipping the Wyrm Mail does not add any traits to your wyvern. However, entering a new zone while the armor is equipped will add subjob traits to the wyvern in the new zone.
- The wyvern will keep the traits until it dies, is Dismissed, or you change areas without the wyrm mail equipped. Unequipping the Wyrm Mail will not remove the traits.
View the entire Wyrm Armor +2 Set.
Augmentable via Trial 5020 to have Enhances "Spirit Surge" effect
- Extends duration of Spirit Surge by 20 seconds.
Other Uses[]
Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.
How to Obtain[]
Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered.
Cannot be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Trial of the Magians[]
Uprade Wyrm Mail via:
Uprade Wyrm Mail +1 via: