Table of Contents
Zone Information
Area Name Wajaom Woodlands
Type Outdoor
Map Acquisition Purchase
Miscellaneous Able to ride Mounts Able to call Adventuring Fellow Able to use Tractor


Ffxi gld 01

Ffxi hby 06

Trans Wind
Region Mamool Ja Savagelands
Expansion Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Requirements The Road to Aht Urhgan
Restrictions None
Background music "Jeweled Boughs"
Monstrosity Not applicable
Notes None

The Wajaom woodlands cover a vast stretch of land to the west of the Imperial capital. The name "Wajaom," meaning "abundance" in the language of Aht Urhgan, is a fitting term to describe the rainforest tract that also encompasses the Bhaflau thickets to the north. The areas are home to a rich variety of fauna, from birds that hover in the air with their rapid wingbeats to bees that build hives of enormous size. Once the Imperial Army's watchtowers and patrolled routes allowed children to safely enjoy berry gathering in the forest, but due to the Empire's weakened defenses, the woodland paths are now used by the Mamool Ja for raids on the Imperial capital.

Wajaom 04

Involved in Quests/Missions[]

Quest Type Starter Location
Finding Faults General Hishahma    Aht Urhgan Whitegate K-8
Fist of the People General Talhaal    Al Zahbi H-6
Forging a New Myth Mythic Nashmeira    Aht Urhgan Whitegate L-8
Get the Picture General Balakaf    Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-5
Give Peace a Chance General Mishhar    Aht Urhgan Whitegate H-8
Navigating the Unfriendly Seas COR ???    Arrapago Reef H-10
Olduum General Dkhaaya    Aht Urhgan Whitegate G-9
Promotion: Superior Private Promotion Naja Salaheem    Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-10
Promotion: Lance Corporal Promotion Naja Salaheem    Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-10
Promotion: Corporal Promotion Naja Salaheem    Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-10
The Prince and the Hopper General Maudaal    Aht Urhgan Whitegate E-9
Three Men and a Closet General Kubhe Ijyuhla    Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-8
Vanishing Act General Ulamaal    Aht Urhgan Whitegate K-12
VW Op. 050: Aht Urhgan Assault Voidwatch Camille    Wajaom Woodlands M-7
VW Op. 068: Subterranean Skirmish Voidwatch Camille    Wajaom Woodlands M-7
When the Bow Breaks General Gaweesh    Al Zahbi G-8
Mission Nation Starter Location
Aht Urhgan Mission 12: Royal Puppeteer Aht Urhgan Naja Salaheem Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-10
Aht Urhgan Mission 40: Unraveling Reason Aht Urhgan Pherimociel Ru'Lude Gardens G-6

Other Information[]

Item Abundance
Adaman Ore 0.3%Extremely Rare(0.3%)
Black Chocobo Feather 7.5%Rare(7.5%)
Blue Rock 3.1%Very Rare(3.1%)
Ebony Log 5.2%Rare(5.2%)
Moko Grass 19%Common(19%)
Pebble 14.7%Uncommon(14.7%)
Pephredo Hive Chip 1.7%Very Rare(1.7%)
Pine Nuts 15.2%Common(15.2%)
Spider Web 0.4%Extremely Rare(0.4%)
Arrowwood Log 13.7%Uncommon(13.7%)
Elm Log 1%Extremely Rare(1%)
Lacquer Tree Log 0.1%Extremely Rare(0.1%)
Mahogany Log 0.4%Extremely Rare(0.4%)
Oak Log 3.1%Very Rare(3.1%)
Rosewood Log 0.4%Extremely Rare(0.4%)
Yew Log 3.5%Very Rare(3.5%)
Aluminum Ore 0.1%Extremely Rare(0.1%) (Very Rare)
Darksteel Ore 0.1%Extremely Rare(0.1%) (Very Rare)
Flint Stone 9.8%Rare(9.8%)
Gold Ore 0%Unknown(0%) (Very Rare)
Kaolin 0%Unknown(0%) (Very Rare)
Orichalcum Ore 0.1%Extremely Rare(0.1%) (Very Rare)
Platinum Ore 0.3%Extremely Rare(0.3%) (Very Rare)
Bird Egg 0%Unknown(0%) (Uncommon)
Colored Egg 0%Unknown(0%) (Uncommon)
Hard-Boiled Egg 0%Unknown(0%) (Uncommon)
Sairui-Ran 0%Unknown(0%) (Uncommon)
Soft-Boiled Egg 0%Unknown(0%) (Uncommon)

= Requires Burrow  = Requires Egg Helm
= Requires Bore   = Obtainable only at Night

Item Abundance
Fresh Marjoram 18.8%Common(18.8%)
Simsim 10.6%Uncommon(10.6%)
Mohbwa Grass 13.1%Uncommon(13.1%)
Pephredo Hive Chip 17.6%Common(17.6%)
Eggplant 5.9%Rare(5.9%)
Coffee Cherries 9.6%Rare(9.6%)
Eastern Ginger 4.5%Very Rare(4.5%)
Imperial Tea Leaves 8.6%Rare(8.6%)
Red Moko Grass 4.7%Very Rare(4.7%)
Fresh Mugwort 4.3%Very Rare(4.3%)
Wijnruit 2.4%Very Rare(2.4%)

Harvesting Map

Fish Cap Body of Water
37 All
Dark Bass

Fishing Map

NPCs Found Here[]

Name Location Type
Camille M-7 Voidwatch
Watisa G-8 Chocobo Renter

Notorious Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes

Unknown Aptant: Arkhe
Aptant: Tachus
Chigoes Chelicerata Spawn Location

A, S, H

Unknown Tartaglia Wivre Gharial Spawn Location

S, H, Sc

Gotoh Zha the Redolent
Spawned by trading a Sheep Botfly to ??? at F-5
Unknown Gotoh Zha's Necklace
Aurum Cuisses
Enkidu's Mittens
Light Grip
Water Grip
Mamool Ja Gotoh Zha Spawn Location

A, L, S

Hydra (NM)
80 Berserker's Torque
Hydra Fang
Hydra Scale
Orobon Lure
Hydra Hydra Spawn Location

A, T(H)

Jaded Jody
80 Jody's Acid
Jet Seraweels
Scogan's Knuckles
Morbols Jaded Jody Spawn Location

A, H

Iriz Ima
Spawned by trading a Senorita Pamama to ??? at J-8
87-88 Iriz Ima's Hide
Avocat Pigaches
Marids Iriz Ima Spawn Location

A, S, Sc

Spawned by: trading a Monkey Wine to ??? at J-13 (accessed through the Engraved Tablet)
Unknown Alkalurops
Enkidu's Cap
Enkidu's Harness
Hachiryu Sune-Ate
Hydra Fang
Hydra Meat
Hydra Scale
Oracle's Cap
Tinnin's Fang
Hydra Tinnin Spawn Location

A, T(H)

Spawned by trading a Hellcage Butterfly to ??? at D-10
78 Sylphid Epee
Karura Hachigane
Vulpangue's Wing
Puks Vulpanque Spawn Location

A, L, S, H

Zoraal Ja's Pkuucha
Assisted by: Percipient Zoraal Ja (75)
73 Zoraal Ja's Axe
Fowling Earring
Colibri Zoraal Ja's Pkuucha Spawn Location


A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Regular Monsters Found Here[]

Name Level Drops Steal Family Spawns Notes
Aht Urhgan Attercop
65-67 Frayed Arrow
Spider Web
Spiders 33 L, H
Air Elemental
75 Wind Cluster Elementals 6 A, M
66-68 Ameretat Vine
Jody's Acid
Lacquer Tree Log
Morbols 9 A, H
Azoth Apsaras
Fished up
66-67 Pugils 1 A, H
Carmine Eruca
70 Crawler Cocoon
Crawler Egg
Silk Thread
Crawlers 3 A, H, Z(N)
Assists: Marid and Grand Marid
71-73 Chimera Blood
Demon Blood
Chigoes 5 A, H, S, L
Colorful Treant
75-76 Dryad Root
Rosewood Log
Treants 2 A, H
Defoliate Treant
71-73 Dryad Root
Rosewood Log
Treants 12 A, H
Fomor Bard
63-65 Fomors 3 A, H, HP, JA
Fomor Beastmaster
Assisted by: Fomor's Bats (58)
63-65 Fomors 2 A, H, HP, JA
Fomor Paladin
63-65 Fomors 3 A, H, HP, JA
Fomor Thief
63-65 Fomors 3 A, H, HP, JA
Grand Marid
78-79 Marid Hair
Marid Hide
Marid Tusk
Marids 2 L, S, Sc
Great Ameretat
73-74 Ameretat Vine
Jody's Acid
Lacquer Tree Log
Morbols 8 A, H
65-66 Ghosts 3 A, H, HP
Kissing Leech
Fished up
68-69 Leeches 1 A, H
Lesser Colibri
63-65 Colibri Beak
Colibri Feather
Colibri Feather Colibri 50 S
Mamool Ja Bounder
72-73 Mamook Tanscale Key
Mamool Ja Helmet
Mamool Ja 3 A, L, S
Mamool Ja Mimicker
72-73 Mamook Tanscale Key
Mamool Ja Helmet
Blue Mage's Testimony
Mamool Ja 4 A, L, S
Mamool Ja Savant
72-73 Mamook Tanscale Key Mamool Ja 2 A, L, S
Mamool Ja Sophist
72-73 Mamook Tanscale Key Mamool Ja 2 A, L, S
Mamool Ja Zenist
72-73 Mamook Tanscale Key Mamool Ja 1 A, L, S
78-79 Marid Hair
Marid Hide
Marid Tusk
Lesser Chigoe Marids 8 S, Sc
Mercurial Makara
Fished up
68-70 Pugils 1 A, H
68-70 Chimera Blood
Puk Wing
Puk Egg
Puk Wing Puks 32 A, H, S
Red Kisser
68-71 Leeches 11 L, H, Sc
Red Osculator
Fished up
66-67 Leeches 1 A, H, Sc
Red Smoocher
Fished up
65-67 Leeches 1 A, H, Sc
Soldier Pephredo
64-65 Giant Stinger
Pephredo Hive Chip
Royal Jelly
White Honey
Bees 11 A, L, S
Treant Sapling
66-68 Saplings 11 L, H
Wajaom Tiger
67-68 Black Tiger Fang
Rusty Medal
Tiger Hide
Tigers 24 A, S
Woodland Runner
71-72 Raptor Skin Raptors 6 A, H, Sc
Woodtroll Dark Knight
72-73 Halvung Brass Key Trolls 1 A, L, S
Woodtroll Monk
72-73 Halvung Brass Key
Troll Pauldron
Trolls 1 A, L, S
Woodtroll Ranger
72-73 Halvung Brass Key Trolls 1 A, L, S
Woodtroll Warrior
72-73 Halvung Brass Key
Slab of Plumbago
Trolls 1 A, L, S
Worker Pephredo
62-63 Giant Stinger
Pephredo Hive Chip
White Honey
Royal Jelly
Bees 26 L, S, Sc
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants

Event Monsters Found Here[]

Name Family Spawns Notes
Berried Chigoe
Spawned Quest: Totoroon's Treasure Hunt
Assisted by: Chigoe's Nit (x5)
Dark Rider
Assisted by: Dark Esquire & Dark Bugler
A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants