
Vitiation Tights


Icon background
Vitiation tightsAugmentedRareExclusive
[Legs] All Races
DEF: 78 HP +20 MP +24 STR +16 DEX +10
VIT +8 AGI +11 INT +21 MND +15 CHR +12
Evasion +12 Magic Evasion +73
"Magic Def. Bonus" +3 Haste +4%
Elemental Magic skill +1
"Spikes" spell damage +30
Physical damage taken -2%
Lv. 99 RDM
<Item Level: 109>
"Spikes" spell damage +30
  • Increases the damage done by Spikes spells. Does not affect the duration.
  • The damage boost to Spikes Spells is only granted when the piece is equipped.
View the entire Vitiation Tabard Set.


Comes augmented with Enspell damage and Accuracy

  • Increases enspell base damage by 1 per merit level
  • Increases accuracy by 2 per merit level.[1]

Can be stored with a Porter Moogle using Storage Slip 17.

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

How to Obtain[]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered. Ffxiah-small
Cannot be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.

Reforged Relic Armor[]

Depending on the starting item, trade the following to Monisette in Port Jeuno (I-8).

Duelist's Tights
Rem's Tale Chapter 4 x10
M. Silverpiece x2
Griffon Hide
Damascene Cloth
Duelist's Tights +1
Rem's Tale Chapter 4 x10
M. Silverpiece
Griffon Hide
Damascene Cloth
Duelist's Tights +2
Rem's Tale Chapter 4 x10
Griffon Hide
Damascene Cloth
Duelist's Tights +2 Augmented
Rem's Tale Chapter 4 x5
Griffon Hide
Damascene Cloth

The reforged piece will be ready the next game day.

