Vat of martello fuel
A thick, viscious liquid infused with
magic that serves to power a
martello's restorative capabilities.
Highly dense, it is considerably heavier
than it appears.
magic that serves to power a
martello's restorative capabilities.
Highly dense, it is considerably heavier
than it appears.
Used In Quest(s):
Of Malnourished Martellos
Refuel and Replenish (Konschtat)
Refuel and Replenish (La Theine)
Refuel and Replenish (Tahrongi)
Refuel and Replenish (Attohwa)
Refuel and Replenish (Misareaux)
Refuel and Replenish (Vunkerl)
Refuel and Replenish (Altepa)
Refuel and Replenish (Grauberg)
Refuel and Replenish (Uleguerand)
Refuel and Replenish (Konschtat)
Refuel and Replenish (La Theine)
Refuel and Replenish (Tahrongi)
Refuel and Replenish (Attohwa)
Refuel and Replenish (Misareaux)
Refuel and Replenish (Vunkerl)
Refuel and Replenish (Altepa)
Refuel and Replenish (Grauberg)
Refuel and Replenish (Uleguerand)
Obtained by flagging one of the above quests. Disappears from inventory if the player logs out, is disconnected, or changes areas.