CANADA FLAG This user plays from Canada.
Male This user is male.
PCimage2 This user plays mostly on a personal computer.
Calendar This user has been playing FFXI since March 2005.
This user plays on the Fairy Server.
This user is an Elvaan.
Pearl Leader Icon This user is the leader of the linkshell OmnisConcordis.
Pearl ss This user is a proud member of the linkshell HukutenKnights.

Lorcas Userpage[]

About Me! | Jobs and Crafts | Missions | Quests | Checklists | Spellbook | Contributions

About Lorcas[]

Lorcas is an elvaan located on the Fairy server. Lorcas is played by a crazy Canadian living near Montreal(QC). He joined the FFXI world in March 2005 with his real life friends who shared the DivineKnights linkpearl. Unfortunatly, due to some tragic events, the DivineKnights linkshell was broken and Lorcas created a new linkshell for his friends, OmnisConcordis. Lorcas is presently engaged in end-game activities with HokutenKnights and sometimes with his social linkshell to kill time.

Lorcas can be seen playing FFXI any time of the day depending on how his work schedule is set. He usually has his HokutenKnights pearl on since he can reach all his friends in OmnisConcordis on his Ventrilo server.

Facts on Lorcas[]

  • The name Lorcas comes from the last name of Federico García Lorca, a Spanish poet and dramatist. For more information about Federico García Lorca, visit this link
  • Lorcas is an elvaan using the 1A face.

Credits for page layout[]

I'd like to thank User:Vyenpakakapaka who I so obviously copied the layout/formating. Please don't kill me ;)
