Unity Accolades are a currency earned by completing Unity-based Records of Eminence objectives. Unity Accolades cap at 99,999. Only 100,000 total Accolades may be spent every week, resetting Sundays at 8:00 a.m. (PDT) / 3:00 p.m. (GMT) / 4:00 p.m. (BST)
They have multiple uses listed below .
- Battling Unity Notorious Monsters.
- Teleporting to an area where these battles take place.
- Purchasing Items and enhancing equipment from Urbiolaine in Southern San d'Oria, Igsli in Bastok Markets, Teldro-Kesdrodo and Yonolala in Windurst Woods, or Nunaarl Bthtrogg in Western Adoulin.
- Refractive crystal 15,000 accolades
- Special gobbiedial key 15,000 accolades
- Scroll of Instant Warp 10 accolades
- Scroll of Instant Reraise 10 accolades
- Scroll of Instant Protect 10 accolades
- Scroll of Instant Shell 10 accolades
- Moist rolanberry 10 accolades
- Clump of ravaged moko grass 10 accolades
- Cavorting worm 10 accolades
- Pinch of levigated rock 10 accolades
- Little lugworm 10 accolades
- Training manual 10 accolades
- Pinch of prize powder 10 accolades
The following are available with certain achievements:
- Bounding Belinda's hide 500 accolades
- (Requires having defeated Bounding Belinda at least once.)
- Bounding Belinda's hide 500 accolades
Accolades earned by members of a particular unity will be tabulated each week, culminating in a ranking of which unities collected the most glory. For the duration of the next tabulation period, wanted battle equipment effects will increase the higher a unity's ranking was in the previous period.