


During Adventurer Appreciation Campaign 2012, 3 Spring Treants and a Twinkling Treant invaded the Dhalmel Farm in Windurst Woods.

Family: Treants

Notorious Monster

Twinkling Treent

Twinkling Treant







West Ronfaure

East Ronfaure

North Gustaberg

South Gustaberg

West Sarutabaruta

East Sarutabaruta

Jugner Forest

Meriphataud Mountains

Pashhow Marshlands

Beaucedine Glacier

Eastern Altepa Desert

Yuhtunga Jungle


Nyzul Isle (Heroines' Holdfast)


  • None
  • None


A, H

A = Aggressive; NA = Non-Aggresive; L = Links; S = Detects by Sight; H = Detects by Sound;
HP = Detects Low HP; M = Detects Magic; Sc = Follows by Scent; T(S) = True-sight; T(H) = True-hearing
JA = Detects job abilities; WS = Detects weaponskills; Z(D) = Asleep in Daytime; Z(N) = Asleep at Nighttime; A(R) = Aggressive to Reive participants


Heroines' Holdfast[]

  • Appears in one section of Heroines' Holdfast.
  • Aggressive.
  • May be the required target to activate the runic portal. The other possibility is Gigantoad.

2003 version[]

  • NM for the event "Pernicious Presents" (Dec 26, 2003- Dec 31, 2003)
  • It was located in West Ronfaure, East Ronfaure, North Gustaberg, South Gustaberg, West Sarutabaruta, and East Sarutabaruta under a Level 20 Cap, in Jugner Forest, Meriphataud Mountains, Pashhow Marshlands under a Level 30 cap, and in Beaucedine Glacier, Eastern Altepa Desert, and Yuhtunga Jungle under a Level 50 cap.
  • Did not give any Experience Points.
  • The reward for defeating all 12 Treants on each server was a new teleport service allowing teleports to/from the main cities to outposts in far regions.
  • Extremely high HP.
  • Uses an AoE that had knockback and afflicted Gravity, an AoE Sleep, a Drain attack with Additional Effect: Bind (which would last up to 5 minutes), and it would occasionally teleport to another part of the zone.
  • There were 2-3 Moogles in each zone who put players who wanted to fight the NM under a Level Restriction. The Level Restriction wore off over time or could be removed by talking to them, dying, or zoning. Under the Level Restriction, there was no EXP loss to the Twinkling Treant, but if killed by other monsters, there was EXP loss.

This is the order the servers defeated all of their Treants in:

1st: Fenrir
2nd: Ramuh
3rd: Gilgamesh
4th: Titan
5th: Carbuncle
6th: Alexander
7th: Sylph
8th: Unicorn
9th: Ragnarok
10th: Odin
11th: Quetzalcoatl or Garuda
12th: Quetzalcoatl or Garuda
13th: Leviathan
14th: Siren
15th: Valefor
16th: Diabolos
17th: Kujata
18th: Bahamut
19th: Phoenix
20th: Seraph
21st: Shiva
22nd: Ifrit
23rd: Cerberus
24th: Bismarck
25th: Lakshmi
26th: Caitsith
27th: Pandemonium
28th: Asura
29th: Fairy
30th: Midgardsormr

The Remora and Hades servers were not in use at the time.

See Also[]
