Job:Paladin / Warrior
Weapon:Sword and Shield
Magic Type:Trust
Casting Time:5 seconds
Recast Time:240 seconds
Obtained:Trust: San d'Oria (mission rank 6 required).
Artifact Armor Questline Note: If you completed A Boy's Dream, the quest Under Oath takes priority. You may have to click Trion's Door muliple times before receiving the proper cutscene to receive Trion's Trust.


Feb. 10, 2017 Update - "All magic skills have been increased."
  • As of the November 2021 Update his shield has higher stats if the player who called him is item level 100 or higher.


  • Summon: I am Trion, prince of San d'Oria. May my blade lead us to victory this day!
  • Summon (while Curilla is in the party): Curilla, my spirit is high with you by my side. Come, let the flash of our blades light up the battlefield!
  • Summon (while Halver is in the party): Halver, I bid you save idle chitchat for later.
  • Summon (while Rahal is in the party): Ever the worrywort, Rahal. Take some of the concern and use it to formulate a plan of action!
  • Royal Savior: O great kings of the noble line of d'Oraguille, shield me from harm!
  • Dismiss: Sweet will be the aroma of the 812 Rolanberry I sip tonight!
  • Death: There was nothing further I could have done!
