Were you looking for Trust: Nashmeira?
- Magic Type:Trust
- Casting Time:5 seconds
- Recast Time:240 seconds
- Obtained:Ever Forward
- Weapon Skills: Only uses Imperial Authority.
- Spells: Up to Cure VI, up to Curaga V, Erase and -na spells.
- Summon: Strength be with me...
- Summon (while Trust: Lion II is in the party):Lion, let's make sure we fight in unison!
- Summon (while Trust: Prishe II is in the party): Don't worry, Prishe--my heals are at the ready!
- Summon (while Trust: Lilisette II is in the party): Lilisette, don't leave us in the dust!
- Summon (while Trust: Arciela II is in the party): Arciela, you're royalty, too!?
- Summon (while Trust: Iroha II is in the party): Iroha, I know you'd love to visit the Shararat Teahouse with me!
- Imperial Authority: No! Stand back!
- Dismiss: Let us return to Al Zahbi!
- Death:No...Don't leave me!
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