- Magic Type:Trust
- Casting Time:5 seconds
- Recast Time:240 seconds
- Obtained:Alter Ego Extravaganza (trade Cipher: Mihli to Gondebaud, Clarion Star, or Wetata), Records of Eminence: Alter Ego: Valaineral
- Job Abilities: Afflatus Solace.
- Weapon Skills: Scouring Bubbles (AoE Water damage), Brainshaker, True Strike, and Hexa Strike.
- Spells:
- As of the November 2021 Update her shield has higher stats if the player who called her is item level 100 or higher.
- Summon: Hey, hey--I want a turrrn!
- Summon (while Gadalar is in the party): Gadalar reminds me of my homeland. My burrrning, sweltering homeland.
- Summon (while Najelith is in the party): Najelith! Happy to have you aboard!
- Summon (while Rughadjeen is in the party): General Rughadjeen, let's have a sparrr when this is over!
- Summon (while Zazarg is in the party): You owe me, old man! Let's call this...three plates of sutlac?
- Scouring Bubbles: Bah! Guess I'll pull out another one of my trrricks!
- Dismiss: Each day's battle puts a sprrring in my step the next morning!
- Death: I-I...lost? Drrreadful!
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