Kuyin Hathdenna
Job:Passive (Geomancer)
Role:Passive Support
Magic Type:Trust
Casting Time:5 seconds
Recast Time:240 seconds
Obtained:September 2014 Login Campaign: obtain Cipher: Kuyin for 500 login points and trade it to Gondebaud, Clarion Star, or Wetata


  • Has full time Indi-Precision (Physical Accuracy). Information Needed
    • +25 @853 base Acc.
    • +20 @553 base Rng. Acc.
  • Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna is a passive alter ego.
  • Passive alter egos provide a beneficial status effect to party members via a Geomancy Indi-spell aura.
  • Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna does not perform any actions, and cannot be interacted with in any way.
    • No player or NPC can cast spells or use job abilities on Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna, including area of effect. This includes Trick Attack and Decoy Shot.
    • Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna's bonus creates no enmity, so monsters will never attack Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna.
    • Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna cannot take any damage, and as a result, cannot die. Trust: Kuyin Hathdenna will vanish if the player dies, though.


  • Summon: I'd like you to gimme a job.
  • Dismiss: Mew, mew! Let's keep this a secret between us, 'kay?
  • Death: N/A (due to her non-interactive status, she cannot die)