Were you looking for Trust: Iroha?
- Magic Type:Trust
- Casting Time:5 seconds
- Recast Time:240 seconds
- Obtained:Cipher: Iroha II from The Orb's Radiance
- Casts Protectra V and Shellra V, and will attempt to Magic Burst with Flare II.
- Does not cast Any Cure Spells
- Uses Hasso and Meditate.
- Uses five unique weapon skills:
- Amatsu: Kyori: Induration skillchain property. Deals magic damage. Based on the animation, it may be light-elemental.
- Amatsu: Hanadoki: Reverberation/Impaction skillchain properties
- Amatsu: Suien: Fusion skillchain property
- Amatsu: Gachirin: Light/Fragmentation skillchain properties. Deals magic damage. Based on the animation, it may be fire-elemental.
- Rise from Ashes: AOE heal roughly equivalent to Selh'teus' Rejuvenation, restoring around 500 to 700 HP and granting a Stoneskin effect.
- Summon: Master! The time is now!
- Summon (while Trust: Lion II is in party): Lion, I wish to know more about the wonderful sights of this land.
- Summon (while Trust: Prishe II is in party):Lady Prishe, the rice balls that Lord Tenzen makes are sublime.
- Summon (while Trust: Nashmeira II is in party): Lady Aphmau, Master has told me many stories about your nation's Shararat Teahouse.
- Summon (while Trust: Lilisette II is in party): Lady Lilisette, I can only imagine what types of gifts adoring fans must bring your troupe.
- Summon (while Trust: Arciela II is in party): Lady Arciela, one day we must sit down and discuss the sweets of your homeland.
- Dismiss: Master, I shall see you again--in the future.
- Amatsu: Gachirin: May the song of a million souls flow through me!
- Death: Urk...I have not...trained enough...
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