- Deals wind damage to targets in front of the user. Additional effects: Max HP Down, Max MP Down, Max TP Down
- Family: Orc
- Type: Physical?
- Can be dispelled N/A
- Utsusemi/Blink absorb: 3 shadows
- Range: up to 20 ilm Cone
- Note: Used by Bloodcrown Brradhod, Brradhod's Fletcher, Cobraclaw Buchzvotch, Orcish Strongarms, and Feeblescheme Bhogbigg.
- Effect Reduces HP by 50%, MP by 50% and reduces max TP to 100%.
- Each assigned to one of the 3 hits. It is possible to avoid a status by having a shadow absorb part of the attack. IE: If only 1 hit lands, whichever status goes with that hit will be applied.