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This guide (until sufficiently edited for this to warrant removal) is based off a person who leveled Thief quite a long time ago, and has never surpassed the level 37 mark on Thief. Until enough outside help warrents the removal of this notice, understand that this guide may ignore recent additions of gear that did not exist approximately 8 months ago. It will also only focus on lower level THF gear until another with more experiance can improve this guide. ~Andres

Main Weapons

Due to the nature of Daggers, at low levels, their low DMG rating and relitively weak Weapon Skills makes them poor options for the soloing and early partying. Also, since the first Dagger Weapon Skill that works really well with Sneak Attack and/or Trick Attack is Viper Bite, many Thief's will use either Hand to Hand or Sword weapons at the early levels. Both Fast Blade and Combo stack fully powered with Sneak Attack, and at early levels, the lower skill rank has a lesser effect on weapon skill.


Since many Daggers come with beneficial effects, Ninja is the most common sub in order to Dual Weild two daggers. Warrior may be used before level 20.

lvl 1 Bronze Knife
lvl 7 Beestinger or Blind Dagger
lvl 9 Brass Dagger
lvl 12 Dagger, Silence Dagger, or Spark Dagger
lvl 20 Decurion's Dagger and/or Mercenary's Knife
lvl 23 Corrosive Dagger (optional)
lvl 25 2x Federation Knife or Windurstian Knife


Swords are the recomended choice of the soloing levels of 1~10, due to their higher DMG rating, more powerful 1st weapon skill, and relitively same attacking speed of a dagger. In the early party levels, this or Hand to Hand weaponry is most commonly used, since at Level 15, Sneak Attack is far more effective with these weapons. If using a sword, most Thief sub Warrior or Ninja.

lvl 1 Wax Sword
lvl 7 Sapara
lvl 10 Royal Archer's Sword
lvl 12 Brass Xiphos (most skip directly to Scimitar)
lvl 13 Scimitar
lvl 18 Fire Sword, Flame Sword, Iron Sword, or Iron Sword +1
lvl 19 Small Sword (often used as an offhand weapon for a long time due to +DEX, with one of lvl 18 swords as mainhand)
lvl 27 Gladius (Often skipped for Mithran Scimitar)
lvl 28 Mithran Scimitar (Note: Often expensive, usually dual weilded, nice bonus to DEX however)
lvl 30 Centurion's Sword (Note: debatable if better/worse than Mithran Scimitar)

Hand to Hand

Hand to Hand weapons recieve less skill than Swords for a Thief. However, with a Monk subjob, they provide a decent amoutn of damage and speed. Combo is likely the strongest Weapon Skill until Viper Bite when combined with Sneak Attack, but in exchange a THF must lose some of its Accuracy and Attack offered by Swords. Althought this is slightly compensated for in many Hand to Hand weapons. This is not recomended until level 15, to combine Sneak Attack + Combo, to use earlier is to merely weaken yourself usually. Monk is the only viable sub for this choice of weapon, due to Martial Arts.

This assumes use of Knuckles only from 15 till approximately level 30, this is not recomended otherwise.

lvl 15 Bastokian Knuckles or Republic Knuckles
lvl 20 Metal Knuckles (Only use if you obtain +1 version)

Those are seriously the only two Knuckles I recomend for those levels. Both offer relitively high DMG for hand to hand weapons and +Accuracy.

Ranged Weapons

Thief have a wide variety of ranged weapons avaliable to them, and since THF are likely one of the best classes for pulling, this is a good thing. The typical/cheapest pulling device for a Thief are a Boomerang, due to its unlimited uses and a bommerang with +AGI for THF. However, Marksmanship is also a potencially useful thing for a Thief to use, a well placed Acid Bolt at the beginning of a fight is one great way to improve damage output.

Another benefit of a THF pulling is for SATA. As the puller, a THF has control of when the monster arrives at camp. If timed well, a THF can land 2 SATA's within the span of a few seconds, instead of only one.


In the Soloing levels, a well placed bow and arrow shot can destroy near half of an anemy's HP. At party levels, it can place a decent damage first hit on the enemy. Also, the longer delay allows a THF to stop the shot easier if something occurs to the party.

lvl 1 Shortbow
lvl 7 Self bow
lvl 24 Wrapped Bow
lvl 36 Composite Bow


lvl 1 Wooden Arrow
lvl 7 Bone Arrow
lvl 14 Iron Arrow or 15 Fang Arrow
lvl 17 Beetle Arrow
lvl 19 Poison Arrow
lvl 24 Silver Arrow
lvl 29 Horn Arrow
lvl 35 Sleep Arrow


Unlike a bow and arrow, the first Crossbow is not avaliable to a THF until the soloing levels are traditionally over. However, unlike a Bow + Arrow, a crossbow has status bolts that can weaken a enemy before it arrives at camp when used to pull or damage.

lvl 10 Legionnaire's Crossbow
lvl 12 Crossbow
lvl 25 Power Crossbow (+1 AGI, keep this for TA if your pulling with crossbow)


lvl 10 Blind Bolt
lvl ?? Acid Bolt (Very useful bolt, lowers DEF of enemy.)
lvl 20 Sleep Bolt

I only usually suggest these bolts because if one does land (and these often do proc their effects), it will aid your party more than purely a damage bolt.

Throwing Weapons

Most popular pulling tools due to the shortest time in delay, and infinite use. There are +DEX and +AGI throwing weapons, and a +ACC throwing weapon, leaving a few good choices for a THF for this weapon even when not pulling.

lvl 6 Coarse Boomerang
lvl 14 Boomerang
lvl 19 Flame Boomerang
lvl 24 Windedge
lvl 28 Chakram
lvl 33 Long Boomerang (This has +2 AGI, best ranged for SATA use for a while)


A Thief, unlike most jobs, is allowed to fully concentrate on a set of armor devoted only to two things usually. +DEX and AGI for SATA, and Damage gear, since a Thief after level 30 will be able to transfer almost all emnity gained onto another person of the party. However, during the levels of 15-29, Thiefs can generate a large amount of hate from damage from Sneak Attack alone, and usually must incorperate some defense gear (Although at level 24, Utsesumi from a Ninja sub is usually sufficient). Equipment change macros are common for Thief, because alot of gear that has +DEX or +AGI, often is poor in other stats for melee such as STR, Accuracy, and Attack.

To use a purely +DEX and +AGI set of gear for THF is not advised. A daggers low DMG rating makes a hit of 0 on a high defense IT monster very possible. 0 Damage equates to 0 TP, and Weapon Skills play an important role for THF.


lvl 1 Bronze Cap
lvl 7 Leather Bandanna
lvl 9 Compund Eye Circlet (due to THF's high Evasion, many keep this over higher DEF gear under the hope of avoiding more attacks as a result. It is also a very nice piece for soloing in the 10-15 range)
lvl 10 Royal Footman's Bandanna
lvl 16 Bone Mask or lvl 17 Lizard Helm
lvl 20 Trader's Chapeau
lvl 21 Beetle Mask
lvl 24 Emperor Hairpin or Emperess Hairpin (extremely expensive/hard NM to camp, but also almost perfect for a THF. Offering Evasion, +DEX, and +AGI. If acquired, this piece can last for an increadibly long time. Keep until at least 50's for both Attack and SATA set.)
lvl 27 Brass Mask
lvl 30 Mercenary Captain's Headgear or Noct Beret +1
lvl 41 Voyager Sallet (The only piece I can think of that competes with the lvl 24 Hairpin. Use for Attack set.)


lvl 1 Starting RSE, Aketon, or Bronze Harness
lvl 7 Leather Vest
lvl 10 Legionnaire's Harness or lvl 11 Brass Harness
lvl 16 Bone Harness or Lizard Jerkin
lvl 18 Garrison Tunica (Relitively expensive, but only piece that offers any +DEX for a while. Up to person)
lvl 21 Beetle Harness
lvl 27 Brass Scale Mail
lvl 30 Mercenary Captain's Doublet
lvl 33 Consider RSE for DD set. None have enough +DEX/AGI to warrent macroing in for SATA


lvl 1 starting RSE or Bronze Mittens
lvl 7 Leather Gloves
lvl 10 Legionnaire's Mittens or Royal Footman's Gloves
lvl 14 Battle Gloves (best gloves for Attack for quite a long time due to +ACC, decent Defense, and Evasion)
lvl 25 Federation Tekko (Same ACC, but has more DEF and it looks better to have then Battle Gloves)
lvl 27 Hume, Taru, and Elvaan have viable RSE. Hume may desire to wear full time, Elvaan should macro in for SATA, and Taru should use in Melee, macroing in +DEX/AGI for SATA when possible
lvl 30 Mercenary Captain's Gloves (macro in for SATA)
lvl 38 Mage Cuffs (Macro in for SATA)


lvl 1 Starting RSE or Bronze Subligar
lvl 7 Leather Trousers
lvl 16 Bone Subligar or lvl 17 Lizard Trousers
lvl 21 Beetle Subligar (for DEF) or Garrison Hose (Good gear for Melee and SATA, but pricy)
lvl 25 Republic Subligar (Debatable if better than Garrison Hose for DD, macro in Hose for SATA if you get these)
lvl 30 Noct Brais +1 (macro in for SATA)
lvl 31 Elvaan have perfect RSE to macro into SATA, Galka is debatable.
lvl 34 Bastokan or Republic Cuisses (if in area where effect takes place, is best melee leg gear, if not, consider macro in for SATA if not Elvaan)


lvl 1 starting RSE or Bronze Clogs
lvl 7 Leather Highboots or
Leaping Boots/Bounding Boots (Extremely powerful THF footwear. However, it is very expensive or a fairly annoying NM hunt. If gotten, many other pieces of gear can be skipped entirely)
lvl 13 Light Solea (If your using Eva over DEF, these are nice)
lvl 16 Bone Leggings or lvl 17 Lizard Ledelsens
lvl 20 Royal Footman's Clogs
lvl 20 Strider Boots (Very very hard to get, but movement boost is fun. Skip these unless your a lvl 75 who has these already for fun.)
lvl 24 Winged Boots (same as Leaping/Bounding, but with more DEF)
lvl 29 Almost all RSE has a use.
Hume, Elvaan, and Galka: Macro in for SATA, if you do not have Leaping/Bounding/Winged
Mithra and Taru: Use in Melee, macro in +AGI after TA, or Leaping/Bounding/Winged
lvl 34 Consider the lvl 34 set of feet if Effect is on, strong DD potencial.