
Themis Orb


Icon background
Themis orbRareExclusive
It is difficult to see what is inside this
milky-colored gem.

Other Uses[]

Resale Price: Cannot be sold to NPCs.

Battlefield: KSNM

Name Zone Maximum Members Time Limit
Early Bird Catches the Wyrm Balga's Dais 18 members 30 minutes
Horns of War Horlais Peak
The Hills Are Alive Waughroon Shrine

How to Obtain[]

Cannot be auctioned, traded, bazaared, or delivered. Ffxiah-small
Cannot be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.


Price: 99 Kindred's Seals
Name Location Type
Shami Port Jeuno (H-8) Orb Merchant

Deeds of Heroism[]


Themis was a Titaness in Greek mythology. She is considered the embodiment of divine law and order. Her Roman counterpart, Iustitia, is the blindfolded woman holding the scales of balance depicted outside of courthouses. In some accounts, she is the mother of the Three Fates. The Three Fates, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, have orbs which can be obtained for BCNMs with 30 Kindred's Seals. Themis' name adorns an orb which can be obtained for BCNMs with 99 Kindred's Seals.
