
Mission Name The Secret Weapon
Number 7-2
Start NPC San d'Orian Gate Guard
Level 60+
Reward Rank 8
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Prestige of the Papsque Coming of Age


Note: This mission requires a certain level of Rank Bar. Trade 4-5 crystals to the gate guard, or complete repeatable missions up to several times.

When you have enough rank points, instead of offering you the list of missions, the gate guard will tell you: "Go to the garden for further instructions."

  1. Go to Queen Leaute's Garden (F-7) Chateau d'Oraguille for a cutscene.
  2. Return to the gate guard to receive the actual mission.
  3. Get ready to fight and head to the battlefield at Horlais Peak, accessible via travelling through Ghelsba Outpost and Yughott Grotto, or Yughott Grotto Home Point #1 (J-6), or Domenic for 750 gil if Beyond Infinity is complete.
  4. After successfully defeating the orcs and warmachines, you obtain the Key Item Crystal dowser
    • report back to a gate guard to finish up the mission.


See the Video page.

Game Description

Mission Orders
Reports from Ghelsba indicate that the Orcs in Yughott Grotto are up to something. Investigate, but speak of this to no one.