
Mission Name The Four Musketeers
Number 3-1
Start NPC Any Bastok Gate Guard
Level 30
Reward Rank points
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The Emissary To the Forsaken Mines
Replay Cutscenes
The Four Musketeers Taulluque Metalworks (I-8)
The Four Musketeers Goblin Footprint Beadeaux (E-7)
The Four Musketeers (pt.1) Goblin Footprint Pashhow Marshlands (E-12)
The Four Musketeers (pt.2) Goblin Footprint Pashhow Marshlands (E-12)

Recommended: Level 30+ job.

Summary: Guard -> Iron Eater 2x -> Beadeaux (Copper Quadav 20x) -> Pashhow Marshlands


  • Zone into Beadeaux for a cutscene.
  • Kill 20 Copper Quadav while in Beadeaux.
    • If you did not get a cutscene while zoning into Beadeaux, talk to Iron Eater again.
    • Everyone in the party will get credit for kills. If you zone or logout, the game will retain your kill count.
    • The Copper Quadav are found in the initial area, the first set of tunnels past the Afflictor, and the second area. You will not find any on the upper level.
    • The Quadav in the primary kill area are level 22-28 and will sound-Aggro to players under level 42. The Land Pugils in the kill area are level 20-23 and will sound-Aggro to players under level 35.
  • Zone into Pashhow Marshlands for a cutscene that completes the mission.
    • If you do not get your 20 kills, you will receive a different cutscene.
    • If you use Escape, you will not receive the cutscene.

Game Description

Mission Orders
You are to join a surprise attack on the Quadav stronghold in Beadeaux. See Iron Eater in the President's Office for details.