
The following steps detail what is required to allow teleporting from the Crags of Dem, Holla, and Mea to Tu'Lia (also known as "sky"):

  • Go to Tavnazian Safehold and have the Bard Aligi-Kufongi (H-9) change your title to "Warrior of the Crystal" (300gil).
  • Get three Clear Chips.
  • Go to each Crag and enter the Hall of Transference.
    • Check the right-side Large Apparatus. You will get a message about a missing chip.
    • Trade a Clear Chip to the pad to repair it.
  • Go to the green teleport pad at either G-9 or I-9 in Ru'Aun Gardens and have your data registered.
  • You can now teleport to Ru'Aun Gardens from the Crags.
    • On some occasions, upon teleport, a Clear Chip may break. Theory states that this may be caused by registering at only one of the green teleport pads, but this has not been confirmed as of yet.