astral flow[]
killed him 6 times now. first 2 times he pulled out same avatar as the elemental he had out. but last 4 times its been a different one. eg. earth elemental > leviathan. Snoxer 08:47, 8 January 2008 (UTC)
the past 2 times i have killed him , we killed the elemental and kept the SMN silenced . this DID NOT stop Astral Flow . How ever it does seem to cause him to use the Avatar WEAK to the Elemental, i.e When we killed the Air Ele , he used Titan ( Earth weak to wind) and Ramuh when we killed the Earth Ele (Thunder weak to Earth) . As its only been twice , i cant confirm this to be true . I will edit after more research . --MIKUMARU 17:10, 15 May 2008 (UTC)