
Whoops, sorry about the last edit. Turns out I had not completed the final c/s of The Usual, with this done you can indeed start this quest on the Vana'diel day following Vegetable Vegetable Crisis. Eithin (talk) 13:25, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

RDM99/WHM99, i117 RoE gear. Trusts: Trust: Amchuchu, Trust: Iroha II, Trust: Selh'teus, Trust: Shantotto II, Trust: Rosulatia. Easy kill. Spammed Dispel (Spell) constantly and occasionally cured myself and Amchuchu. Tired to self-destruct at 1% but died before it went off. I got lucky with that. Keep Stun ready to go on a hair trigger. Otherwise took a little less than 10 minutes out of 15 minute limit. BearstarSeraph (talk) 11:03, December 13, 2015 (UTC)

Moved From Main Page

You must have a moderate amount of fame in the Inventors' Coalition to participate. Currently unknown amount, but more than "Partner"

I have cleared this quest on two characters with only "Petitioner" rank in the Inventor's coalition. --Prismfang (talk) 00:13, February 29, 2016 (UTC)

I got fame capped in adoulin and lowest rank in the Inventor's Coalition ..quest opened! trust options were gadalar and ovjang to replace rosuletta and amachuchu..worked great..yours truly Pacfrit !!

I can confirm no reputation with inventor's coalition required. The Usual quest with Cid is required, and plays a huge part in the last quests story.

-TranscendentSAMtranscendent (talk) 06:22, December 4, 2016 (UTC)

1st attempt as 99-Thief/Dancer with trust and failed. Lack of dispel made the Bomb self-destruct.

2nd attempt as 99/Bst/Rdm with trust and succeeded easily. Kept refresh on and spammed Dispel on me. Bomb did cast a few spells that could of easily killed me and the trusts. Overall not a hard fight. Sathington (talk
