
With Valor Leggings, sentinel becomes -100% damage taken —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kit (talkcontribs).

Is this confirmed? Cause i've hit plds with these on in ballista for like 2-3 dmg, maybe pops it up to like 98%? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Omradelf (talkcontribs).

To clarify, this is the initial damage reduction for Sentinel. As time passes, the damage reduction lowers from it's initial value until Sentinel wears off. Belade 09:30, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

Whoever keeps changing the valor leggings increase to 0-9% stop it, you obviously have no clue, get the Item first before you change things. Agato 20:53, 7 May 2008 (UTC)

What's the proper way to macro these? Do they just need to be on when Sentinel is first used, or do they need to stay on while it's in effect? --Thala 21:46, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

Thalandor46, you can use at the beginning then take them off, but it really isn't as beneficial as it sounds. In no way is this piece going to make or break your sentinel or the damage you take. And also, for the people in-game that are arguing that it makes Sentinel a second Invincible, you're WRONG. This will only be a 100% damage reduction for the first moment you pop sentinel. Yes it will help, but it isn't a necessity. --Dannick 23:29, 2 May 2009 (UTC)