Utsusemi: Ni when used from a Ninja subjob only creates three shadows.
I dunno[]
I could have sworn :Ni reated 6 shadows on a NIN, 4 when used by a subjob.
Utsusemi: Ni creates 4 shadows on a real Ninja, and only 3 on anything /NIN. If Ni created 6 shadows on a real NIN, wow... they would be so broken. -Shinwei
I saw someone has {Utsusemi San} in their bazaar message in auto translate! did they really make a San version of utsusemi?
No, players can not use Utsusemi San - If they could that really would be twisted --Nynaeve 21:28, 19 September 2006 (EDT)
But in order to have an item in Auto-translate, one must have seen the scroll, try it, type Utsu {Tab} and you'll see no Ichi or Ni, but browse AH then do it, and they'll appear in Auto-translate. So i don't know, i've never seen anyone use it, so still very much believe no player can use it, but someone (Probably Japanese) must have the scroll some where. Just my thoughts, Firewall 00:15, 31 May 2007 (CDT)
Instead of typing Utsu (Tab) try typing Utsusemi: (Tab). That worked for me. --Valle 13:11, 19 July 2007 (CDT)
Utsusemi: San[]
Don't some Dynamis mobs use Utsusemi: San? And isn't it's effect a bit different than what might be expected? I've not done dynamis, but I've read about some of the mobs using the move so... maybe if the page mentions San it should metion this too? --NoOneLeft 08:48, 30 July 2007 (CDT)
Utsusemi: San[]
San is used by mobs and mobs onry. Never ever ever will ninja get San. Unless San made Ichi and Ni go to 1 min recast without being used. (As in it's like you've just used it)
The game would go to far unbalanced if it did. Wish we did get it but maybe less shadows.
Anyway, Yes The ninjas in Dynamis can use this, also mobs in Castle Oztroja use this, on the top floor all the yagudo ninjas will use this. If it appears in your chatlog, you will be able to auto translate it.
lol.. Yags in Castle Oz do NOT have Utsusemi:San only :Ni, The only mobs that have this skill are Yagudo in Dynamis and only then if they are in Dynamis: Windurst. I do not know where everyone is getting that other mobs have this skill. I've been a ninja for 6 years and probably killed one of every mob there is in this game short of some of the new ZeniNMs and NONE other than Yags in Dyna and SOME Tonberrys have Utsusemi: San Relicant 20:53, 27 October 2008 (UTC)