

I love this ISNM. It's the most simple battle if you can coordinate just right, and the setup for success is also extremely flexible. Simply remember that you need someone who can bind and gravity, someone who can kite, a steadfast healer (even paladin works extremely well as a healer and backup kite), and a nice damage dealer. I'd personally recommend Blue Mage, Ranger, Dark Knight. Ranger works particularly well since he can distract the mob easiest. Black Mage is also an excellent replacement for all damage dealers, with Freeze coupled with another spell or two being the catalyst for the mob to curl. -- Bhujerba 16:21, 29 June 2007 (CDT)

Battle Pattern

The mob has two forms, curled and uncurled. Uncurled, it will run around randomly, you cannot generate enmity on it, and will hit everyone (hard). Curled is when you bind, and rest. At some points you may need to bind when he is uncurled if you notice mage's MP is dipping or melee's health is getting too low -- this should only be once or twice during the entire fight. -- Bhujerba 16:21, 29 June 2007 (CDT)
