241 h2h skill, using Waghs, PUP/THF for SA WSs to force crit on mobs in west ronfaure.
STR 54+9 DEX 72+7 VIT 60+4 AGI 72 INT 69-3 MND 51+2 CHR 63
102 TP SA+Stringing Pummel:
206 184 207 202 197 201 205 203 196 195 200 203 198 188
STR 54+21
196 217 208 213 210 217 207 217 213 216 214 203 217 197 209
Naked (including Waghs)
195 197 195 195 195 189 197 197 180 168 187 194 196 194 190 173 177 189 178 193 190
Sample size is pretty small so far, take the numbers for what you will. If fTP isn't 1.0, fTP 0.9 and STR35% seems to work very well. Thank you Jinte/Theytak for following me around and working out those values. Feel free to drop any input you have on the evaluation of these numbers. --Bsphil 20:57, 24 September 2008 (UTC)
I have reason to believe either DEX AGI or VIT is also a mod, but again, I need more testing done. I used errant body/legs and offset the STR- with STR+12 to give neutral STR but DEX-12/AGI-12/VIT-12, and I got a lower peak WS than I did naked.
174 191 181 163 169 189 183 187 192 173 183 171 168 192
The numbers were a bit more random (would have gotten more tests in, but I needed to go to ZNMs), but I got two at 192 and one at 191, which leads me to think that is the high end of pDIF. Need to borrow some DEX gear for PUP, as it has been suggested before that DEX is a mod as well as STR.--Bsphil 06:11, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
fTP/WSC values[]
Those TP mods are WRONG. It's pretty clearly a bit less than 1, but 0.75 is way too low to be consistent with the typical numbers I'm seeting- How can you be sure you weren't just unlucky on the crits? We still dont know the crit rates at each TP level yet. 6 hits, even with a base damage modded by that much STR, it just doesn't add up when you multiply by 0.75. I want to see the data from the person who changed this from 0.9. Please link to sources when adding such things and claiming it comes from someone's testing, because citing a source (in the edit comment)without providing a link to it on the page doesn't help. Tahngarthortalk-contribs 08:55, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
That's the numbers provided by Studio Gobli, and I take them at their word as they've provided an incredible wealth of information about the mechanics behind FFXI for many years now. Source:
"か 連環六合圏 0.75 6 STR30-40% VIT30-40% CRT確率 重力/溶解 STR%+VIT%合計70%"
Personally, a low fTP like .75 and high WSC mods makes perfect sense. Having seen people get 1.4k on a greater colibri with good support, but then turning around and only getting around 210 damage out of the first hit with capped fSTR and cRatio left me thinking that the fTP couldn't possibly be 1, and it was much more likely that there were very strong WSC mods that boosted the additional 5 hits. Given the tests I had done, I'm very satisfied with the results so far, they appear quite accurate.--Bsphil 02:38, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
How do you know how much damage the first hit does unless you miss all the others? It would take an extremely long time to get enough samples that way to be fully confident. (And please link to sources on the article pages.) Tahngarthortalk-contribs 22:00, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
You sub /THF and use weapon skills on level 0 bunnies in ronfaure to guarantee you're capping fSTR and cRatio as well as forcing the critical with Sneak Attack. Since the first hit will kill the mob, no additional hits land, meaning the damage printed in the log is of only your first hit. I'm not sure why I should bother linking the data on the WS page, as that's not the case with pretty much any other weapon skill. --Bsphil 06:13, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
It is the case on any article where someone claims to have proven something that previously had a verification tag. You can find source links to data all over the site. Tahngarthortalk-contribs 16:55, 1 December 2008 (UTC)
Long time bump for a fresh perspective! Jinte of Allakhazam has reevaluated my old numbers with the new assumption of Studio Gobli's .75 fTP. With the given data, narrowed down the WSC mods to either 35% str 30% vit or 32% str 32% vit. Given the nonexistance of 35/30 WSs and 3 other WSs with 32/32 mods, he's leaned towards that conclusion. Still not ENTIRELY confirmed, but far closer than before. Source:
Thanks again to Jinte for the nice work. --Bsphil 05:40, October 24, 2009 (UTC)