
Rumored to drop from Compliments to the Chef. --Tsakiki 15:03, 23 August 2006 (EDT)

If Foe Requiem VI caps at 9dmg/3sec then what does the other +2 on this instrument do? affect beating resistance? Trenapha 21:53, 3 February 2008 (UTC)

The requiem page states that without a requiem instrument, requiem caps at 7hp/tick. Every +1 on an instrument adds 1 hp/tick, making this flute cap requiem at 11hp/tick. Babekeke

Actually I'd have to dig it up but the Requiem Flute only adds +3 iirc and not +4 DoT. It was that +1 and +2 add +1 DoT for both, and +3 adds 2, and +4 adds +3. Did some testing on level 0 mobs. I'll see if I can dig that up...

That last comment above was me, by the way. forgot to sign... --Annalise 22:34, January 9, 2010 (UTC)