
When I did this, the Carrier did not attempt to run away. In fact, when we attacked him, he just sort of stood there, not attacking (as far as I could tell). We may have just killed him too fast for him to run away though. We did it as WAR75, SMN75, SMN75, RDM75. Honestly, any one of us could have easily soloed the whole thing if you could go in with less than 3 people. They were all extremely weak. One thing to note though; someone who has the mission flagged must be the PT leader, and only the PT leader can get the Beastmen Ensign to send you to Ghoyu's Reverie. --Kyrie 00:16, 10 December 2007 (UTC)


Easily completed by BLU75 BLM65 and WHM70. BLM Sleepga II, followed by Hysteric Barrage on each mob. WHM barely had chance to cast Haste! Party of 3 65+ should have zero problems. Got 940 Allied Notes as 5* Op. ---- dibble 21:56, 23 June 2008 (UTC)
Piece of cake. 75 NIN/DNC WAR/NIN RNG/SAM. We finished within 4 minutes. The Carrier ran away but died shortly after because he moved as if he was gravitied. 390 EXP 1337 AN! Woot! --Pyerzuka 22:13, October 20, 2009 (UTC)