
Used Thundaga III at 82% and Silencega at 71%... so frontpage info is not entirely correct ;p -Ziggomatic 23:38, June 19, 2011 (UTC)


Dual boxed it with Whm/Rdm and Mnk/War. Keep Holy Water where u can see it! Aphugel 03:10, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Drop rate with full lights estimated at 1% Aphugel 04:01, September 25, 2011 (UTC)


Relatively easy solo as a decently geared 99 SMN. Caller's +2, sparks staff & sachet being the most notable pieces of gear I had. I used Ifrit because it was firesday and my -perpetuation sucks. ;p Was a pretty easy fight and I only took damage switching out Ifrit. He blew right through stoneskin almost instantly.

Used Meteor Strike and ended up using conduit halfway through just to hurry it along, but it was not needed. Ifrit evaded Fatal Scream and I only recalled him once.

Just be sure to bring echo drops in case silencega hits you when you run up and try to stay out of range of scream. Easy win. --Aireipsanzo (talk) 07:43, February 11, 2014 (UTC)

Drop rates[]

Does anyone know the specifics on the drops rates for items?