
These check mostly Tough, with the occasional Very Tough at 85. I've been soloing them for skillups as SAM85/DNC42. So far I've killed 5 of them. 4 were Tough, and each gave 253 exp. This places them at level 88 as far as I can tell. 200 base exp (for a mob 3 levels higher than me), 10% exp bonus inherent to the mob, and 15% exp bonus from Sanction = (200 x 1.1) x 1.15 = 253. The last one was Very Tough, and gave 299 exp. I puzzled over this for a bit, but it seems that the exp calculations have changed from the old 71-75 and 76-80 values. I'm thinking it would be base exp of 237. (237 x 1.1) x 1.15 = 299 (rounded down). So far I've not had any different exp values than that, but I'll update as I solo them more. I'm ever so happy that SE put in some level 85+ crabs for us to skillup on. ^^ --Kyrie 14:18, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

Killed 20 of them now, and I feel I can reasonably confirm that they only spawn 88 or 89. Managed to get 23 evasion levels, 3 parrying levels, and around 10 great katana levels; they are wonderful skillup mobs, as to be expected of crabs. :) --Kyrie 16:29, September 14, 2010 (UTC)

Don't try BLU/WAR on these. Cocoon, Taco and Defender with ATK Down from Corrosive Ooze still had them hitting me for approximately 100 damage/hit, which doesn't give your MP a lot of breathing room, especially if you're skilling up a gimp skill like club. Either come with a friend or two or come with shadows and a long attention span. --Eremes 01:14, November 4, 2010 (UTC)

Seems they either removed the 10% exp bonus from these, or for some reason it doesn't apply anymore once they are Decent Challenge (at 90). Was getting 109 and 111 exp from these with Sanction, which would mean 95 and 97 exp without (which of course, puts them at 88-89 still). --Kyrie 21:14, January 22, 2011 (UTC)


What is the best way (in your opinion) to get to where they spawn? Where is a good camp site (or sites)? --IBHalliwell (talk) 22:35, December 18, 2012 (UTC)