

  • Soloable by a 75 NIN
  • Soloable by 75PUP/NIN, 75NIN,a skilled 75PLD/RDM, and a skilled 75THF/NIN with Hi-Potions.
  • Soloable by a heavily geared evasion build 75 THF/NIN using bloody bolts (311 evasion skill). Took about 7-8 min to kill. Very easy.
  • Soloable by a skilled DNC75/NIN37. You will need Fan Dance, and good evasion build, and you will need to be good with stunning (Violent Flourish), as he uses Cure IV a LOT. His attack speed wasn't that fast, however he does have double attack, and used it quite frequently. He does hit pretty hard, however. Even with Fan Dance (with 20% defense) he will still hit 100~ 150 damage a round. He also spammed a barrage of divine spells as well. IE: several Banishes and Dias. Suirieko 22:48, October 25, 2009 (UTC)
  • Soloable by a 75 MNK/DNC. All slots Evasion Gear, less legs (B.Haidate). Fought with Black Adargas until 10% (was skilling up guard there, and tried to skill up guard with the NM). Started to spam CureIV, changed to Destroyers and killed fast. My HP never went down from 1200hp. NO Evasion merits. No WS and no 2hours needed. 10-12 minutes fight. MNK/NIN could do this fight in less 6 min.

Weird Repop timer?[]

I went to camp this guy earlier today. I had killed Orcish Overlord the day before with my brother and went for today's pop.

We killed "PH" yesterday at 7pm (meaning a 4~7pm pop according to 21~24hr). I went today at 3:10pm and checked it every couple of minutes. By 9pm, there had been no pop on either of the NM's. I was the only person in the zone the entire time aswell.

I called a GM to see if there had been any reports of weird glitches with these mobs, but they said everything should be fine. They said the only thing they could think of would be the quest that also spawns it potentially messing up it's pop timer. I've never heard of (or personally had) any issue like this before, but I guess it may be possible.

Anyone else had any sort of weird pop times on this guy? --†Hitetsu 21:59, February 5, 2010 (UTC)

Went checking this guy just now before I went to work. Orcish Overlord was up and walking about. Not sure how long it had been up, but I can at least guarentee I hadn't missed a claim. --†Hitetsu 08:18, February 6, 2010 (UTC)