
I found that on my server, it was far cheaper to buy out the fishing guild of Minnow than it was to get the synthing materials to make them at the lagoon. Research it for yourself before choosing one method or another if you intend on using minnows instead of Dwarf Pugil. --Shrade774 02:12, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

Fishing for Lik[]

With Penguin Ring and Albotross Ring, Lu Shang's and Minnow: so far... 128 caught, 7 lack of skill, 135 line breaks, 27 rod breaks... too many lost to running out of time to count. I'll keep updating as long as I'm fishing. It's a tough one to catch for sure. Bite rate seems to be 10% at the very best; actually catching the hooked fish without loosing the fish to break/ lack of skill/ snapped line seems to be around 40% with this low batch of numbers (if you dont time out and loose the fish). 0 / 128 on Opal Silk.


Alrighty, so first off I have 96+4 skill (I skipped waders and the guild body piece in favor of serpents rumors and mooching, though they are my next goal). Prior to finishing GP for mooching, I saved up a fairly decent amount of dwarf pugils, so now I have a fair number of em (6 stacks). The issue though... when I catch a Lik, it stays in the gosh darn center nearly the whole time! Sure, I have more time than on a minnow but the damned thing hardly leaves the center for more than a sliver of a second. Ideas? Do I have to get the bloody rings too? Every guide I've read has made it seem very 'either/or'. :-/