
Enhanced soul jump[]

Has anyone figured out what this does? Damage and TP return seemed to be the same as without the pants when I tested. --Isilien 06:42, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

Perhaps the enhancement is to the enmity suppression effect, then? --Eli 06:22, September 21, 2010 (UTC)

Most likely. I have no idea how to test that. :P Soul Jump does seem to crit incredibly often with these pants on, but then again, I'm not sure if it does that without them, too. I'll see if I can do some testing some day. --Isilien 10:52, September 22, 2010 (UTC)

Increases Critical Hit Damage[]

Tested this using Spirit/Soul Jump with my wyvern present. Since they always crit with the wyvern present the Crit DMG + will take effect.

test mob: wild rabbit. East Ronfuare. Without legs 41 Jumps. Average DMG; Spirit 315.78, Soul 313.14, overall 314.88 With legs 35 jumps. average dmg; Spirit 331.18,Soul 328.46, overall 330.17

Overall average damage increased from 314 to 330. A 5% increase.

Martel on Ragnarok--Vagrantdragoon 01:46, September 25, 2010 (UTC)

Requesting more testing[]

I don't have these yet, but seeing that the pants themselves increase critical hit damage, are people sure, that the 5% from the enhancement of the soul jump, isn't the critical hit damage increase from that as mistake? Perhaps test the soul jump without the wyvern present? Test the accuracy of the jump with pants on?

If the enhances soul jump IS a critical hit rate increase, does that stack with the increase that the pants give, and how much is it total?

  • The person before you wasn't testing the effect of the pants on Soul Jump, they were just using Soul Jump and Spirit jump to test the effect of the increased crit damage, (since those 2 jumps crit 100% of the time with wyvern out) No one has said quite yet what the "Enhances 'Soul Jump' effect" means.