
Is this just a harp? No latent or hidden effects? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Shimbibitty (talkcontribs).

There is a Hidden effect, it was stated b4 that this had double the range of normal harps. How true that is i do not know. However SE recently dropped a hint that there might be a great deal of items w/ hidden effects we have not yet discovered, and since this is not crafted and has no HQ. We should probly assume it has some hidden atm. Milotheshort 19:46, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

This is a quest reward, from before ToaU (with the Lamiae) was released, with no shown added effects. This, coupled with the suspicious blank space in the item description between "(String Instr.)All Races" and "Lv.44 BRD," seems to point to a hidden effect. Double song range sounds logical, especially if Lamiae have extended song range. Would seem to be easily checked by BRD44+. I also wouldn't rule out something like CHR+ on Watersday/water weather, Lightsday/light weather, or Darksday/dark weather. And the Siren Flute at the end of this quest line is Requiem +2.--Snorglepuss 19:22, October 19, 2010 (UTC)

If I had to guess though this might have somethign to do w/ the potency of the charm song, as lamia often charm... just a guess Milotheshort 19:48, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

I could be wrong, but I think the Lamia harp was created before Treasures of Aht Urghan, and Lamia is just a name for it. A similar creature, Siren, is the name in which Siren Flute comes from, which is the final instrument from the quest line involving Lamia Harp, thus, I believe it has little to do with actual Lamiae and more to do with the mythology. Lamiae and Sirens were able to lure adventurers out at sea to their island. Also, Bards get Virelai at 75 and this harp would have no use at it's current level until the Bard hit 75. SE wouldn't do that, I imagine. My best guess is that this instrument increases the range of spells, perhaps just spells to pull monsters, or perhaps just buffs for parties. --Overgryph 10:56, 18 August 2009 (UTC)