
No-win Mog Bonanza[]

My opinion of this iteration of the Mog Bonanza is that it sucks, period. One chance to win per character (versus 10 chances in the past), and prizes have been moved up tiers. So, your "rank 3" prize is actually a rank 4 prize from the last bonanza. With the exception of 4 of them, which were RANK 5 prizes. Ab-so-lutely lame. In the "rank 2" prizes, the top 4 and the bottom 6 were previously rank 2, but the 8 kupons in between were RANK 3. Rank prizes, as they age and get surpassed by bigger and better items in-game, are supposed to stay the same or go DOWN in rank, not UP.

At least in the past, you could assure yourself of a rank 4 prize for your trouble on each character by buying 10 marbles, each with a different last number 0-9. Not any more, 200,000 gil for a damn biscuit.

What SHOULD have happened, if Square Enix REALLY wanted to relieve us from having 10 inventory slots tied up for a month, and give us a REAL "Quality of Life" change, is they should have made the 10 marbles STACKABLE. I WILL NOT be participating in any further bonanzas with this crap format.--(Snorglepuss talk) 02:30, 23 January 2021 (UTC)
