Conserve MP?[]
Regarding the "Imps have Conserve MP" line. Is there any basis for that? I can't even think of a way that it would be possible to know. --KodoReturns 14:36, 18 January 2009 (UTC)
I have tested this on several occasions in both the Mire and the Reef and not once have they linked with each other. --Mitsukai-Hawke 01:36, 15 August 2007 (CDT)
the Caedarva Mire page, has this listed as lvl 80-81, whereas here its listed as 78-81. anyone know which is right (if either)? Rog 13:45, 15 June 2007 (CDT)
In an 6 person xp party, level sync'd to 68, with sanction against these Imps:
- [no xp chain] 212xp 3 times, 233xp 1 time, 253xp 6 times
- [chain #1] 255xp 3 times, 279xp 4 times, 303xp 3 times
- [chain #2] 265xp 6 times, 290xp 3 times, 316xp 1 time
- [chain #3] 276xp 2 times, 302xp 3 times, 328xp 3 times
- [chain #4] 297xp 3 times, 326xp 2 times, 354xp 2 times
- [chain #5] 318xp 4 times, 349xp 1 time, 379xp 1 time
This works out using a sanction bonus of 15% to be level 79, 80, and 81. I'll correct the two pages. --Bawb 22:24, September 16, 2009 (UTC)
Imp Horn[]
Should we change the drop rate to 100% with (see note) attached to it? --Beaster 21:26, 14 June 2008 (UTC)
I personally just killed an imp in Arrapago Reef that used Frenetic Rip on me. No horn dropped so the drop rate isn't 100% if you break their horn. At least not on the ones in the reef. Page should be editted to reflect that. --IccarusofAsura 21:34, 17 August 2008 (UTC)
Further testing, fighting imps in Caedarva Mire, again breaking their horn and them using Frenetic Rip, still not dropping horn 100% of the time. IccarusofAsura 08:03, 31 August 2008 (UTC)
Stat hunting[]
So i went 1st as THF75, then as BLU75 on Heraldic Imps @ CaedervaMire (BLU for getting their levels by killing), all VeryTough for respectively 240, 270? and 300exp without sanction, to obtain following checks results: No food, no blinding. THF Base DEX = 70 BLU Base DEX = 68 Sword Skill = 285 Dagger Skill = 269 THF Club Skill = 200 BLU Club Skill = 240
- HeraldicImp#1@240xp with THF :
- stayed Low Evasion with dagger+12accu MINI
- stayed High Evasion with Club+33accu MAXI
- stayed Low Defense with 400 attack MINI
- stayed High Defense with 318 attack MAXI
- HeraldicImp#2@270exp with THF :
- stayed Low Evasion with dagger+17accu MINI
- stayed High Evasion with Club+38accu MAXI
- stayed Low Defense with 407 attack MINI
- stayed High Defense with 323 attack MAXI
- HeraldicImp#3@300exp with BLU :
- stayed Low Evasion with Sword MINI
- stayed High Evasion with Club-1accu MAXI
- stayed Low Defense with 414 attack MINI
- stayed High Defense with 329 attack MAXI
Results exploitation gives me the following : <spoiler>
- HeraldicImp lvl79 (240exp) :
- Dagger+12 MINI => skill(floor(200+0.9*(269-200)))+DEX70/2 +12 -10LowEvaCheck = 299
- Club+33accu MAXI => 200+70/2+33 +1 +30HighEvaCheck = 299
- 400 attack MINI => floor[ (400-1) / (1+25%LowDefCheck) ] = 319
- 318 attack MAXI => 318+1 = 319
- HeraldicImp lvl80 (270exp) :
- Dagger+17accu MINI => skill(floor(200+0.9*(269-200)))+70/2+17 -10 = 304
- Club+38accu MAXI => 200+70/2+38+1+30 = 304
- 407 attack MINI => floor((407-1)/1.25) = 324
- 323 attack MAXI => 323+1 = 324
- HeraldicImp lvl81 (300exp) :
- Sword MINI => floor(200+0.9*(285-200))+68/2 -10 = 276+24 = 300 +10accuracyJobTrait = 310
- Club-1accu MAXI => floor(200+0.9*(240-200))+68/2-1+1+30 = 236+64 = 300 +10 = 310
- 414 attack MINI => floor((414-1)/1.25) = 330
- 329 attack MAXI => 329+1 = 330
... then i verified further with known formulas for determining a mob stats, assuming also HeraldicImp are BLM/blm :
RaceVITrank=D RaceDEFrank=C RaceAGIrank=C RaceEVArank=E BlmVITrank=F BlmAGIrank=C VIT=fVITRace(lvl, RaceVITrank) + fVITMainJob(lvl, JobVITrank) + fVITSubJob(lvl, JobVITrank) DEF=[8+VIT/2+f(Lvl,RaceDEFrank) + DEFbonusJobTrait]xRaceDEFtrait AGI=fAGIRace(lvl, RaceAGIrank) + fAGIMainJob(lvl, JobAGIrank) + fAGISubJob(lvl, JobAGIrank) EVA=[AGI/2+f(Lvl,RaceEVArank) + EVAbonusJobTrait]xRaceEVAtrait fAGI formula @ RankC = 4+(lvl-1)*0.4 fVIT formula @ RankD = 3+(lvl-1)*0.35 fVIT formula @ RankF = 2+(lvl-1)*0.25 f(lvl,raceDEFrank) formula @ lvl51+ and RankC = 142+(lvl-50)*4.8 f(lvl,raceEVArank) formula @ lvl51+ and RankE = 126+(lvl-50)*4.5
- VIT=floor(3+78*0.35) + floor(2+78*0.25) + floor((2+78*0.25)/2) = 30+21+10 = 61
- DEF=(8+61/2+ 142+floor((79-50)*4.8) + 0)*1.0 = 8+30+142+139 = 319
- AGI=floor(4+78*0.4) + floor(4+78*0.4) + floor((4+78*0.4)/2) = 35+35+17 = 87
- EVA=(87/2+ 126+floor((79-50)*4.5) + 0)*1.0 = 43+126+130 = 299
- VIT=30+21+10 = 61
- DEF=8+30+142+144 = 324
- AGI= 35+35+17 = 87
- EVA=43+126+135 = 304
- VIT=31+22+11 = 64
- DEF=8+32+142+148 = 330
- AGI= 36+36+18 = 90
- EVA=45+126+139 = 310
- HeraldicImp lvl79:
- VIT=61
- AGI=87
- DEF=319
- EVA=299
- HeraldicImp lvl80:
- VIT=61
- AGI=87
- DEF=324
- EVA=304
- HeraldicImp lvl81:
- VIT=64
- AGI=90
- DEF=330
- EVA=310
Masamunai 20:23, October 28, 2009 (UTC)