
Verification Data[]




SMN Skill

Carby TP


13 Elvaan Blk. Mage 31(cap) 0% 12
28 Taru Ninja 87(cap) 0% 42
28 Taru Blk. Mage 87(cap) 0% 42
28 Taru Wht. Mage 87(cap) 0% 42
28 Taru Ninja 87(cap) 300% 60
28 Taru Wht. Mage 87(cap) 300% 60
28 Mithra Wht. Mage 84 0% 42
29 Mithra Wht. Mage 86 0% 43
29 Elvaan Blk. Mage 87 0% 43
28 Mithra Blk. Mage 80 0% 46(LTDay)
29 Mithra Wht. Mage 87 0% 47(LTDay)
29 Elvaan Blk. Mage 87 0% 38(DKDay)
30 Elvaan Nin 90 0% 44
30 Mithra Wht. Mage 91 0% 44
30 Hume Wht. Mage 93(cap) 15% 45
30 Taru Blk. Mage 91 0% 44
33 Taru Nin. 102(cap) 0% 53
33 Taru Nin. 102(cap) 300% 78

New Verification Data[]



HP Restored

Difference from Base (0% TP)

75 0 179 0
75 8 179 0
75 16 183 4
75 29 187 8
75 32 187 8
75 38 191 12
75 41 191 12
75 49 191 12
75 54 196 17 (unknown why this is +5 and not +4, happens at other TP values and levels as well)
75 60 196 17
75 62 196 17
75 64 196 17
75 68 196 17
75 71 200 21
75 77 204 25
75 86 204 25
75 94 208 29
75 101 212 33
75 108 212 33
75 116 216 37
75 126 221 42
75 135 221 42
75 184 237 58
75 300 279 100
30 0 44 0
30 8 44 0
30 16 45 1
30 27 46 2
40 0 74 0
50 0 104 0
50 20 106 2
50 66 115 11


  • In neither condition (0 or 300% TP) does carby heal for the "proposed" formula's amount
    • At level 28 it should be 64 HP by the (Level*2)+8 formula
    • The impact of TP so far seems to be 2HP for 33% TP
    • 24% TP doesn't seem to have an impact and you still get 42 HP at level 28.
  • Subjob appears to have no impact on the value.
  • Race appears to have no impact on the value.
  • Lightsday seems to have a random chance of boost. Darksday seems to have a corresponding random chance of penalty.
    • The boost and penalty seem to be consistent at least at 0% TP.

Have you tried a subjob that increases MND? or used equipment that increases MND? I know this probably doesn't effect it, but it's good to rule it out. --Chrisjander 17:03, 4 March 2007 (EST)

I've noticed that spells have a random change to be boosted or penalized on days that correspond or oppose the element of the spell being cast. This bonus/penalty seems to always be 10%, and is seen most easily in healing spells (because resistance isn't a factor). Good to see it applies to blood pacts. --Chrisjander 22:46, 5 March 2007 (EST)

just to add to this because there doesn't seem to be any data past 75-

the formula for level 30+ is mildly off. at level 99, with smn skill 480 and 0 tp i got a healing ruby of 251. with 215 tp it rose to 359. according to the formula it should have been 363. and the formula can be simplified to just be tp/2 as the tp mod. same thing appears to apply to healing ruby 2. the base for that is 424, and with 200 tp it went up to 533