Hidden Effect? I'm not understanding what is meant by "redirects enfeebling magic cast on party members to wielder." Is it possible to clarify that a bit, Seedling? --Goddess 04:31, 10 April 2007 (EDT)
He made it up. :P
He asked alla forums for confirmation that there was a "hidden effect". After several people told him it had nothing to do with the Sainti, he still added it to the wiki. He's saying that the saintis cause all spells cast on the tank to be redirected to whoever's wearing the saintis, but never cited a source. Magic casting mobs don't always target the person with the most hate... this has nothing to do with the santis.
I do belive there is some validity to this claim, only certain spells(and sometimes certain mobs) can cast on person not currently tanking, mostly these are enfeebles like blind, stun, bind, etc. However i tracked spells being cast on only myself and the tank, in every situation ive been in where it can cast on other people. I think more testing needs to be done, but to call it 'fake' because everyone assumes its wrong is in bad form. to reiterate, i dont think it causes all spells to target weilder, but rather, all 'random target' spells will target the weilder. Rayeneth 02:25, 17 July 2008 (UTC)
I've found that "random" target deduffs normally target the person who has the most Enmity after it's melee target, as WAR i'm often the target of "random" spells because i hold alot of hate. And Since these Sainti have +7 Enmity on them, it's easy to the after the tank on the enmity list. That's just from my experience, nothing official of course. --Firewall 20:13, 28 July 2008 (UTC)
Anyone tried slotting with synergy yet? Might make some good meripo weaps.--Strikereleven 09:23, January 10, 2010 (UTC)