
I was asked for this item for Bastok's "Stock and Awe II" Campaign op. I'm not good at wiki editing so I'll leave it to a pro to make the actual edits.Alessar 23:19, 22 December 2007 (UTC)

" 7 out of 10 Goblins don't leave home without one. "

The other 3 goblins starve in the starting zones I rocky 14:02, December 15, 2009 (UTC)

Was able to desynth for a Darksteel Ingot with 48 smithing and got a skill-up. So the skill level of this desynth is no higher than 63. --Elwynn 17:31, May 29, 2010 (UTC)

Doesn't seem to drop very often, 10% may be an overestimate. I farmed it by going in triangles between the 3 Goblin Skirmisher pops in North Gustaberg (S) (the 4th one may not exist) riding a mount to make things quicker. All trusts (except healer) had at least TH1, still took over an hour before it dropped. Keep an eye for it on FFXIAH, if someone happens to sell it it may be worthwhile to buy it and save the time. Dan144 (talk) 10:45, April 27, 2019 (UTC)

Found after ~15 min in Batallia Downs [S]. Had TH4, spawns were far apart but consistent. I found them around the 6-block area between G6 and I-7