
I believe there is misinformation with this scroll and Horde Lullaby in that they are listed as dropping off the same mobs. I know for a fact this scroll drops off Yagudo Piper in giddeus as I have gotten this drop many times while farming necklaces. The problem I see is that both somepage and mysterytour also have what is listed here. I am going to add this monster to the list of ones that drop the scroll, while leaving the others as is, since I have no knowledge whether or not they do in fact drop this scroll. -- myefefun 19:20, 18 May 2006 (PDT)

Added the Yagudo Piper from Tahrongi Canyon, got yesterday a drop from one. Drop seems to be rare so Cemalidor 08:05, 15 May 2008 (UTC)

With the lullaby recast merit what is the smallest recast you can make this. Would haste and fastcast apply before or after the merits? 24 cut to 12 (max recast reduction from haste) -5 would be 7 seconds. If you take the -5 first though then you have 19 seconds cut in half. My brd is still level 58 so I have yet to try to test this. --Aramiltaru 16:21, 28 May 2008 (UTC)
