
Has anyone got a confirmed drop of any mob yet and if so pls post

has anyone read thr othe text files to find out waht were supposed to do yet?

So this next one is just like the last but one more merit? I wonder if this is true, I have all that's required if so.  :-)

It says "Kindred Crests" which means there's either some new item we need to find, or this was mistranslated from the .dat miners. --HazelEyeDrops 19:33, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

There is a new item called "Kindred's Crest" and that is what the Nomad Moogle is asking for. Please stop changing it to Seals.

Anyone know where these Kindred's Crests are found?

Created Kindred's Crest page so people would stop changing it back to Kindred's Seals, when in fact, Kindred's Seals DO NOT WORK FOR THIS QUEST -- Yekyaa 20:32, September 8, 2010

It says where they're found if you click on the link to the Crests page, but just in case: they drop off of level 70+ monsters. I'd say anything Decent Challenge + to a level 80 should work and some easy prey. --Defiledsickness

Talked to the moogle as a BLU75; the quest wasn't an option even though I had another job at 80. Talked to the moogle again as RNG80 and the quest was available. The requirement is almost certainly for a level 76 job, so I added that as a quest requirement. --Senkilara 20:25, September 18, 2010 (UTC)