Just killed one of these with a 75 smn in pt and me as 75 bst. Conned VT and got 675 exp each. 136 cruor, and a fanatics potion.--Vyumaajohrluv 03:32, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
Killed on in Highlands as solo 78 smn, got 375 exp and 7 cruor. Conned DC + defense --Seihi 1:46, June 30, 2010
Appears to have elemental affiliation based on graphical aura same as the Ephermal Limule. Found one with a water aura and it casted Waterga III twice before death. Also found a Light based version which cast Banish III and Holy. Will update when confirmed. Mobs were as high as VT to 77.--Aaoren 20:36, July 7, 2010 (UTC)
Confirming what Aaoren noted. I encountered one with what appeared to be water blobs trailing behind it. It exclusively cast water-based spells (Aquaveil, Poisonga II, Water-based nukes, etc.) and seemed much less resistant to thunder-based nukes than various ice-based ones that I cast on it, despite having an HQ Ice staff and NQ Thunder staff. FFXI-Ironside 02:26, July 10, 2010 (UTC)
- Also, this was on Watersday: maybe there's a correlation? FFXI-Ironside 03:19, July 10, 2010 (UTC)
On main page under notes it has A,AA listed...the single A = Aggressive but what does the AA = ? --Ashera 04:55, September 2, 2010 (UTC)
Soloed one of these guys in La Theine as an 81 dnc, got 850 XP. --Natica 06:07, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
Abyssea - Tahrongi Canyon pop location[]
Figured since there is 1 pop in Tahrongi, I would create a section for it. Found popped by the eft camp area around J-10/J-11. Abyssite 1/1. Best of luck Donwu 08:33, May 2, 2011 (UTC)
There are a LOT of spawn locations for this guy. I found him by Gnats and Spirits. Locations were: G-5 and F-6. It's my understanding though that he can spawn by Adamantoise and Mandragora as well as above posters location by Eft's. I got drop first fight but my hunting partner did not, and has not as of yet after another. Soupette 02:03, May 8, 2011 (UTC)
I couldn't find him anywhere except for at VC8 --Missangie 03:39, July 4, 2011 (UTC)
So far I have seen it amongst the Gulch Limule at I-11, with the Canyon Eft at J-11, and near conflux #08 at J-5, still no drop. --AngelDFZ 09:54, July 27, 2011 (UTC)