Anyone know the re-pop time? --Illivatur 15:49, November 16, 2009 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure this guy is aggressive to magic. I flashed a bomb and came running at me, he hadn't moved and I hadn't moved. --Ramtrill
Confirmedto cast Freeze as well.
Repop time[]
Repop time is 4 hours, almost on the dot. Seen 5 different occurrences first-hand.
Depop time?![]
Having a few problems with the Fomors, they seem to just randomly Despawn. While gathering an alliance to fight it, we we're all there, killing the two bombs and about to fight when the NM just Depoped, No one aggroed or died to it, etc... it just despawned. i've experienced the same problem with the Mithra before. You think theres a fudge up with the programming where they sometimes despawn at Daytime like normal Fomors? or maybe its just a timed Despawn... Anyone else have this problem? - User:Karbuncle
18person alliance[]
Elatha will insta-cast blizzard tier 4 spells when mages cast magic on it. Sub ninja job will work. Make sure to have sneak & invisible tools. Recommend BLM ES +poison2 constantly keeping dotted. Redmage poison2 will probably work without ES. Has a heavy regen so dots will help cancel out regen. Once party got used to mob pretty easy, but new alliance with no experience will suffer for a bit. Plan for at least a hour long fight. Exp is lost apon death from Elatha. --Gogamer10 19:43, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
Tried to add Verification Tag to Enparalyze, as there is no such thing. Paralyze effect probably comes from mob's Ice Spikes.--Snorglepuss 14:45, July 24, 2011 (UTC) >>> Update: I since came across the Oupire, which has Additional Effect: paralyze on it's melee attacks, so this mob may have that ability.