Soloed by BLU/NIN using Yagudo Drinks, au laits, and Hi-Potions.
Can be soloed by DRG/WHM
Can be soloed by DNC/NIN. Evasion and other defense-oriented gear recommended as well as ample meds.
Can be completed by a Pld/War and War/Mnk with a couple of healing potions
Can be completed by a War/Nin and Blm/Whm in 7 minutes, Evasion + Parrying capped
Can be completed by a Rdm/Nin and Mnk/Nin.
Can be soloed by a SAM/DRG using Icarus wing and high pots. Third eye whenever possible.
Soloed by a RDM/BLU, using Holy Water, Navarin, 4xYagudo Drink and 4xPotion+3. Make sure you're wearing all the evasion gear possible. Use chainspell, sleep the Dragon and kill the spotter quick by spamming Power Attack and hitting it. Even got through a Curse.