
Moved some of the information from the Article page here, to be discussed of. Sore wa sore, kore wa kore... 23:39, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Possibly Weather Affected

Appearers to be a weather based spawn. I seen it De-pop on weather change from "Fire" to no weather. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mjr (talkcontribs).

Found it during Double Earth weather. Did not depop on change to Earth weather. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Rinchuchu (talkcontribs).

I also encountered it during "double earth" but I did not wait for it to de-spawn. ^^ Sore wa sore, kore wa kore... 23:39, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

Spawned as Single Earth weather started. User:Tomiko

No weather, I passed the area as BST/WHM looking for G.birds and didn't see Dahu up. Passed again some time later during single Earth weather and it appeared at the very top of (D-9). -- Orubicon 01:30, November 19, 2009 (UTC)

Definately appears to spawn during earth weather only, single or double.

Found at J-6 during single earth weather. Was not there an hour prior during no weather. Enilanerda

Found at L-6 on widescan during weather while scanning zone on chocobo, when I got close and prepared to engage weather dropped and Dahu depopped. User:Grenadier86

Magic Defense

High magic defense: Fire III 283 damage, Fire IV 432 damage. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Rinchuchu (talkcontribs).

I did 363 with Thunder III and 465 with Blizzard III, as a 75RDM/37BLM with not even my best "nuke" gear on. Not sure if I'd call it a high defense? Didn't do much tests since I had a level 61 Paladin with me so I was conserving my mana to keep her alive. :] Sore wa sore, kore wa kore... 23:39, November 15, 2009 (UTC)

5/5 Wind Blade, 5/5 Pet Magic Attack Bonus Merits and ACP body with Pet Mag Att/Acc +7. Wind Blade only did 543 which at that time with TP, is about ~40% of the expected damage. Possible pet resist, I only got to do 1 Wind Blade, but more than likely I'll have to agree to a High Magic Defense for this NM. Enilanerda


  • Bumped into this thing in the middle of (I-6) on my way to other places. Easily defeated as 75RDM/37BLM without even a sword, using an elemental staff accompanied with a 61PLD. Was missing most of the melee hits directed on the Red Mage and did 50-100 with Great Sandstorm spammage, which respectively did on the Paladin around 150~ points of damage.
    We both received 24 points of experience/limit points even with the Paladin having her adventuring fellow out. Dropped no loot whatsoever... Sore wa sore, kore wa kore... 00:27, November 16, 2009 (UTC)
  • Found at (L-6) as BST/NIN, Double Earth Weather, 40 XP but really not problems. --Ctownwoody 02:20, November 23, 2009 (UTC)
  • Easy Solo Smn75/Rng1 Enilanerda
  • Gives 50~53 EXP at Lv.74, Easily solo'd on WAR/NIN.
  • Easily taken down by 75whm, if a Whm can kill it it is soloable by any job @ 75 Reward from Hunt was Vs. Lizards Def +6~12