NM Enmity Issues?[]
Just did this ANNM today with 7 people, And everytime the NM Casted a Debuff on itself it just ran after a random person and Killed them. at one point it killed the SCH, the SCH Reraised, And didnt even cast Reraise on herself again and the NM went apeshit and killed her. This is After i (The PLD Tank) Used Rampart, Sentinal, Flash AND shield Bash on it. No one else had been Curing me or helping me Kite the entire fight. And it just randomly Killed someone after it Debuffed itself
I've tanked this a few times so far and yeah I do think enmity decays faster than with normal monsters, I don't think I've seen an Atonement for over 500 when at the start I'm the only person on it and I cure myself for the most part. It's not as bad of an increased hate loss as say Gummy Guillaume but it's noticeable for sure. I don't know about it casting an enfeeble and attacking someone else because of it though. DraganFairy 18:18, 20 June 2009 (UTC)