Box Step's Defense Down[]
"Level 1 is a 10% decrease in defense. Each successive level is an additional 5% decrease, totaling at a 30% decrease in defense."
that is false.;mid=1236272136259112900;page=2;howmany=50#m1237169124235057404 = testing. someone who cares more about wiki than i do, please correct it. --Bowser 08:17, 16 March 2009 (UTC)
I concur with wanting to see some data on the 10%/5% decrease; I did some initial testing way back when (in Ballista, granted), and put up the initial 5%/2% numbers. Of course, we all know how differently things work in PvP sometimes... >_>; The testing from that forum thread seems to support my theory, so maybe it's time for a little more testing. I'll change the numbers back to my initial findings to go along with that thread and my data, but I'll leave the verification tag. --Sherinmir 06:10, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
Box Step and Wild Flourish[]
Are we sure it increases the chances Wild Flourish lands? I know Wild Flourish isn't 100% accurate but Deparate Flourish implicity says its accuracy is dependant on the number of steps landed on the mob...right? --Vyenpakakapaka 15:11, 26 July 2009 (UTC)
I agree that there seems to be no basis for claiming that box step increases chances of wild flourish landing.
For one, the wiki pages for both Wild Flourish and Flourishes in general do not reflect this. Additionally, we know for that steps accuracy are based on melee accuracy, and flourishes are also affected by accuracy to an extent. Box step decreases defense and has nothing to do with accuracy. Tagged the statement for verification.
For me, both Desperate Flourish and Wild Flourish often missed for me when I was 30ish and 60ish DNC, respectively; at 30, I needed at least 2 quicksteps landed to land Desperate Flourish somewhat reliably. At 60 Wild Flourish would miss for me on higher level mobs. Once I invested in more accuracy gear, wild flourish lands 100% of the time and desperate flourish will land at least 80% of the time. I am much more inclined to say that quickstep will improve wild flourish's chances of landing. ---Hi-chu 03:44, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
I agree with Hi-chu. I have never seen wild Flourish being affected by Box Steps to any noticable degree. But i believe that acc effects any step or flourish (except animated flourish and building flourish) Its natural however (to me at least) that quicksteps raise the chance of landing Desperate flourish (a further decrease in eva) and even more so that magic defense down (Stutter step) increase the chance of stun landing, allthough the effects arent really proportionate to the real debuff the steps provide. As it is, acc imo raise the lowcap of any flourish (on a mob) and any step, thus Quickstep raise the chance of landing flourishes and steps.
Another point is that wild flourish is in another group of flourishes, and that neither one of those is increased by any steps at all.
To be quite honest, i would rather think that Box Step in some way increase the potency of Animated Flourish (this is just what seems logic to me, im not saying it does). --Carnivor-Asura 14:44, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Stacking Def Down[]
Does this stack with any other Defense Down effects? (meaning, not counting Dia) Tahngarthortalk-contribs 02:09, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
On the page of Acid Bolt, it is mentioned that the defense down effect from acid bolts will stack with both Dia and Box Step. From this I think it is safe to conclude that Box step will stack with other defense down effects as well. --Hi-chu 03:52, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
Box Step vs. Quickstep[]
Other than situational mobs (such as a target with high evasion, or a target with high defense), which do you guys think would be more efficient to use? Box Step or Quick Step? In other words, should this new step replace the first one (unless necessary)? --RyoRiazaku 17:33, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
Use both. Quick > Box > Quick > Box > Quick > Box, if your accuracy isn't terrible, you should be able to stack both. --Lordshadow 17:41, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
It's fairly situational based upon your and your party's needs in defensive debuffs. Ignoring monsters that are a given for having high evasion or high defense, you'll probably want to get a feel for your party's abilities and use your steps to help them that they are lacking in curtain stats. Box Step is a general stand-in if your party isn't having accuracy issues; however, remember that if you are having accuracy issues, putting your parties offensive needs over your ability to gain TP and do your waltzes, is generally not a good idea. It gets much easier after level 40, Reverse Flourish is absolutely amazing. --Luke 13:35, 5 February 2009 (UTC)
In my opinion theres never been about quickstep vs box step XD You have: Quicksteps + Box Steps VS Quicksteps + Stutter Steps, you fail if you cant stack. Quicksteps + Box Steps are your most common combination by far. Quicksteps + Stutter Steps if you want to lower magig def for spell debuffs or if you really need Violent Flourish to land.
Box steps + Stutter steps are if you find yourself in the situation where your own and your DD's acc is capped, and you need to lower the def of your enemy and also making sure debuffs and your own stuns land reliably. Or if you have 2 dancers and you can easily cap all three of the steps 5/5.
If theres 2 dancers, and you want all three steps, you should probably arrange steps like this: dnc1: 1x Quickstep 2x Box Step (repeat) dnc2: 1x Quickstep 2x Stutter Step (repeat) --Carnivor-Asura 14:25, September 28, 2009 (UTC)
Will box step erase defense buffs?[]
If a mob uses a defense buff, will box step overwrite it?
Box step is a type of enfeeble, not Dispel. Using it will not "get rid of" a mob's defense buff like Prot, Stoneskin or Cocoon like dispel does. It will still weaken the mob's defense depending on the level stacked, but the mob's defense buff will still in effect. So no it will not overwrite it, but using box step will still help your party take down the mob faster. This was a weird question to ask tbh. Box step just acts like Def down from Acid Bolts or Dia.Hi-chu 04:11, January 17, 2010 (UTC)
Actually it's not such a weird question to ask. Spells like Haste and Slow can sometimes remove the other depending on where they come from, even though they are also not dispels. The same goes for the Dia/Bio mechanic; These two spells are straight debuffs, but they will effectively dispel the lower ranked spells. Your response focuses on the difference between an enfeeble and a dispel, which isn't actually relevant. I'll assume that they (box step and a defense boost) can co-exist, however, since they are not direct opposites like haste/slow and dia/bio. --Mmew 20:04, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
Box Step icon[]
Hai-Chu I wonder if he meant buffs like the Beetle Evasion buff? I know the icon for that is standard across a range of skills. Feebles from such things as acid bolt and various other mob def. down effects share this same icon.
So I think the real question is, what icon shows up during ballista when someone is hit with Box Step. If its the same icon as stutter or quick, then I highly doubt it would overwrite a mob buff.
But if the same icon is shared between Acid bolt and Box Step, maybe there's a possibility of overwriting?
This same logic would apply to Bat evasion buff and Quick Step --Kwechi 04:07, January 31, 2010 (UTC).