If you plan on attacking the main NM and ignoring the other four, it is suggested to not try and keep Utsusemi up. Unless you have extremely high evasion it will be worn down shortly if not immediately after casting.
The 4 minions are very weak: a Dancing Edge from a level 75 THF/NIN can one-shot them.
Various level 75 jobs can solo; ninja subjob suggested for melee.
Easily soloed by a PUP75/THF37 with an automaton set with WHM head/ RDM frame. Just recommend taking out the Bannerets first as their DD is more apt to hurt than the mages' DoT spells. Avoided over 50% of the attacks.
Very easy to solo as MNK75/DNC37. Even with -14 evasion from gear they could barely hit me. Ended the fight missing about 100 HP, having only used Chakra (3/5 merits) and Drain Samba II for healing. The rest of my TP was used on WSs.