
Tanning does not work with Behemoth Leather. Tested by Dragonhope of TheCraft. I'm too much of a n00b at the editing stuff here so someone else please remove it. ~Dragonhope

-Wow, thats risky 3mil gil failure on my server. I changed it. Emperordragon 00:31, 20 September 2007 (EDT)

Actually it's not risky at all...because it just won't let you synth saying the recipe doesn't exist. So you can still change them into leather in separate synths.

I seem to HQ this synth stupidly often (LV100 with all +skill items) for its level, which is kind of depressing. Also, I used to break the synth a lot, which was extremely depressing. These days I don't use the Tanner's Ring anymore with this synth, or with any hide>leather synths for that matter, and my break rate doesn't seem to be as much of an issue. Has anyone else felt betrayed by their ring in this way? It feels like I fail synths more often with it on. ChalkOutline 10:19, May 9, 2011 (UTC)