Great Katana weapon skill
Skill Level: 175
Description: Deals light elemental damage to enemy. Damage varies with TP.
Sneak Attack: Will stack with Sneak Attack.
Equipment: Aligned with aqua equipment (Aqua Gorget & Aqua Belt).
Aligned with thunder equipment (Thunder Gorget & Thunder Belt).


Element: Light
Modifiers: STR:50% ; MND:30%
Damage Multipliers by TP:
1000 TP 2000 TP 3000 TP
1.00 Unknown Unknown

Skillchain Properties

Reverberation-IconReverberation (A)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-squareIce-square Induration Invisible-squareWater-square Reverberation = Lightning-squareWind-square Fragmentation
Level 1 Skillchains
Water-square Reverberation Lightning-square Impaction = Lightning-square Impaction
Light-square Transfixion Water-square Reverberation = Water-square Reverberation
Earth-square Scission Water-square Reverberation = Water-square Reverberation
Water-square Reverberation Ice-square Induration = Ice-square Induration
Impaction-IconImpaction (B)
Level 3 Skillchains
Level 2 Skillchains
Invisible-squareFire-square Liquefaction Invisible-squareLightning-square Impaction = Light-squareFire-square Fusion
Level 1 Skillchains
Lightning-square Impaction Fire-square Liquefaction = Fire-square Liquefaction
Water-square Reverberation Lightning-square Impaction = Lightning-square Impaction
Ice-square Induration Lightning-square Impaction = Lightning-square Impaction
Lightning-square Impaction Wind-square Detonation = Wind-square Detonation


See Tachi: Enpi for the translation of "Tachi:"

This weaponskill's original name in the Japanese version is:

太刀:光輝 (Roku no Tachi: Kouki)

"Sixth Style of the Tachi: 'Radiant Light'."

The kanji that make up this weaponskill are 光 (kou): "Light", and 輝 (ki): "Radiance". 輝 as a verb (Kagayaku) means to shimmer or shine; however, as a noun, it means radiance. The pairing has a connotative meaning as 'glorious'.


  • Great Katana skill level 175 is obtainable by the following jobs at these corresponding levels:
Job Rating Level
Samurai A+ 55
Ninja C- 57