Super baitball
This spectacular example of rolled bait
was released upon Ulbuka by the
Inventors' Coalition after months of
careful research, which have paid off
in spades.
Occasionally allows for strange and
wondrous catches when fishing in
was released upon Ulbuka by the
Inventors' Coalition after months of
careful research, which have paid off
in spades.
Occasionally allows for strange and
wondrous catches when fishing in
Stackable: 99
Other Uses[]
Resale Price: 63~64 gil
Mog Garden: Can be traded to Pond Dredger to obtain a Dragoneye , and have a chance at one or two of a Moat Carp Creel and/or Lamp Marimo , on the next harvest. (possible to get one each or 2x the same item)
How to Obtain[]
Auction House Category: Others > Misc.
Can be obtained as a random reward from the Gobbie Mystery Box Special Dial and similar sources.
Mog Garden[]
- Trade for 10 Shining Stars with the Green Thumb Moogle.
- Monster Rearing: When choosing to Part with your creature with the option Send it back home, you might receive this item.
- 6,750 bayld